Russia To Buy Nigeria's Military Technology For $500bn

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State : Akwa Ibom
Posts : 44
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PostBenson Thu Oct 27, 2016 9:17 pm

Rubbish Nigeria. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Nigeria Emerging World Power. Signs $500billion Contract With Russia?

Today 27th October, 2016 is a great day in Nigeria's History. Russia is ready to pay Nigeria a whooping $500Billion to provide Russia military support no other nation can provide.

General Vladisko Mikil who represented the president of russia in this Historic day said russia has identified some key areas were Nigeria can help with their military. These areas are as follows.

1. African Bullet Proof

2. EGBE: Power to teleport (disappear and appear at another location)

3. Oruka. Magic ring. Which their spies can use to make their enemies fall and start shaking like fish out of water.

4. Ounde. Power belt that would make their soldiers invincible

5. Oyela. A tortoise shell necklace That would boost the intelligence of their troops and even make them able to hear the thoughts of their enemies.

6. Ina Aye. Mysterious spiritual fire.

7. Spiritual slaps. They see the applications of this in embarrassing other presidents in public.

8. "Enter and sweep" this works by hanging a broom at the door step, if anyone tries to steal from such a house, he wld endup sweeping the whole compound till he is released. This would be used to protect their presidential villa. No need for security alarms anymore.

9. Asasi. This would be used in making their enemies run mad. this has been tested on Donald Trump and russia are very pleased with the results

General Vladisko said paying $500 billion is a small price for them to pay to be able to have access to all this powers from Nigeria.

Nigeria's president said he is happy that our tradition is finally making the country more money than oil has made for the country in 16 years of our democracy.

Russian Researchers are presently in Ogun state and Anambra state to learn from our local priests so they can go back and boost their military.

Reacting to this development, America's Secretary General said the United States has always been scared of Nigeria because of the spiritual powers Nigeria possess. Which is more than all their technologies and military equipments.

Blah blah blah....

If all those stories you hear about African Power were true, this is the type of news that would be making our headlines


Pls if you are so sure all those powers are real. Do yourself and your generations to come some good. Go and get those powers, they are worth a lot of money in the hands of world powers. I am sure vladmir Putin is willing to pay billions to be able to disappear and appear inside the pentagon's top secret archives. Why use these powers for disappearing from accidents only?

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